Ghost of Juniper
by C.A. Scott
The kids from Juniper, Texas, from the play “Skunks,” get together the summer after Sam moves to go camping. Joined by their new friend Davy, from the play “I Hate Clowns,” who has just moved to Juniper from California, they gather around the campfire to tell the story of Old Man Johnson, the infamous ghost of Juniper.
The play takes place at a campsite in the forest bordering the little town of Juniper, Texas; it’s no place special, just an ordinary little town in the early 1980s, the summer after Sam moved to Fort Worth (at the end of “Skunks”). The set only needs a couple of pop-up tents and a little campfire, maybe some blankets.
7 Characters: 3 Male, 4 Female
ALAN: | (M) Alan is Sam’s father, in his mid 30s. He walks on stage at the very end. |
AUDRA: | (F) Audra is about 9 or 10 years old. She has lived in Juniper all her life and is best friends with Sam and Wes. |
DAVY: | (M) Davy is about 9 or 10 years old. He’s originally from California, and is new to Juniper. |
DONNA: | (F) Donna is a 11 or 12 year old girl from Juniper, not much older than the others, but just old enough to think that she is the boss. She is prissy and a bit of a know-it-all sometimes. |
SAM: | (F) Sam is short for Samantha. She is a 9 to 10 year old tomboy. She is originally from Juniper, but now lives in Fort Worth. |
TREAH: | (F) Treah is African-American, which doesn’t really affect anything in this Play, other than that is what she is in the play “Skunks.” She is also 9 or 10 years old. She lived in Juniper only for a short time, before moving back to Fort Worth. |
WES: | (M) Wes is also 9 to 10 years old and best friends with Sam and Audra. He has lived in Juniper all his life. |